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“アラブの春” 激動する中東
2012年11月12日 収まらない「アラブの春」 不安感が広がる「アラブの春」 2010年12月、チュニジアで始まったアラブの春はまだ収まっていない。 シリアでは反政府勢力の抵抗と政府の弾圧の間に激烈な戦闘が荒れ狂い、また、エジプトでは、選挙で選ばれたモルシ大統領の政府の政...
Long and Bumpy Road to Building a ‘New’ Iraq
From The Daily Yomiuri on 5th November 2006 Hisahiko Okazaki / Special to The Yomiuri Shimbun The situation in Iraq seems truly bad. The...
Iraqi Nationalism Means Danger, Opportunity
June 6th, 2004 From April through mid-May, the situation in postwar Iraq sank to a new low. During this period, the United States was...
Iraqi Press Adds to the Mess
May 18th, 2004 The situation in Iraq deteriorated in April to its lowest point since the war started in March 2003. U.S. forces took the...
U.S. Must be Stubborn on Democracy in Iraq
January 18th, 2004 Just one year ago–about two months before the United States launched an attack on Iraq–I touched on the U.S.-led...
Presence of U.S. Forces Vital for Mideast Peace
June 15th, 2003 The outline of U.S. grand strategy toward the Middle East is getting clear. It was obvious in a speech given by U.S....
U.S. Must Learn Lessons from Occupation of Japan
January 19th, 2003 “We are a nation that defeated Japan–then distributed food, wrote a Constitution, encouraged labor unions and gave...
Japan Must Back U.S. Strike
September 16th, 2002 The world has changed since 9/11. It is premature, however, to assess the change because it will change even more if...
Should Israel Be Seen Doomed?
May 13th, 2002 Watching recent developments in the Middle East, I cannot help but feel a sense of foreboding regarding the fate of...
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